Sunday 12 July 2015


The luminosity of their sparkle
Blind with devotion, conceal with adoration.
The innocence of their angelic light,
Shine with the boundless uncertainty 
Of where they are to glisten next.

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The purity of their bleached glow 
Fill with the endless possibilities of beauty beyond our belief. 
The simplicity of their navigation
Guide us through anguish we often begin to feel.

The delicacy of their gentle awakening
Enliven our sky with slight promises and the fascination of confusion. 
The aspiration the beam lets off
Shows us the path to our capacious imagination full of desires.
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The gleam of their twinkle
Darken with perfection, align 
With daydream, and are matched flawlessly
With the unreality of our everlasting fantasies.

Magical Sunset

As the day ends to rest
The sunset does its best
Setting on fire the lively waves
Colouring orange the nature he saves
its pure ancient glorious perfection.

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The great ocean will receive
The burning sun who's going to leave.
Slowly comes the night
Devouring that magic light:
we are still suspended in a great delight.